-Audio-Members-News-Shows-Band Bio-Links-
jacen right click save as here
Oct. 25th - Updated the audio page to include the lyrics of the songs. Enjoy. Oh yeah, the lyrics are vulgar. So suck it up.
Oct 24th - Just a quick question, does anybody actually care about the lyrics? If you do and what to see a page with song lyrics let us know in the guestbook!
Oct. 22nd - Minor updates, band bio added, shows page added, small tinkerings here and there.
Oct. 18th - CHUD site launched. There are still updates and content to fill, but i'll get around to that. Anyways, I put some early mixes of the songs up so you can get an idea of what we sound like. Enjoy.
Basic information :
We are from Kamloops BC, and we are the best crust
band in town. There are only two. Every member of this band except for Kevin is
a part of The
Atomics. Go listen to them.
To book us or ask us any questions email Kevin and ask him whatever you need to know.
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